Saturday, August 15, 2009

Instructions for Final RBO 880 Examination (Part 3)

Click here to see the artical about (A critical review of the use of web based tools and mobile devices as cognitive tools in Ohm's law)

RBO examination (Part 2)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I have learned about pi:

1. What is Pi?

I knew that, pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is always the same number, no matter which circle you use to compute it.

2. How do we calculate the value of pi?

I knew that, how to calculate the value of Pi: Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, such that Pi = c/d, where c is the circumference and d is the diameter. There are many methods for calculating Pi; some of them have been known since antiquity, while others have been discovered relatively recently.

Calculate Pi with the method used by Archimedes.

Use the method discovered by Madhava of Sangamagrama in the 15th century.

Examine the solution for Pi found by Leonhard Euler in 1735.

The formula Pi = 176 tan^--1(1/57) + 28 tan^--1(239) - 48tan^--1(682) + 96 tan^--1(12943) ... was used in 2002 to calculate Pi to 1,241,100,000,000 digits.
Pi = 22/7 or Pi=3.14

3. What is the history behind Pi?

I knew that, the history of Pi : Pi has been known for almost 4000 years, The ancient Babylonians calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times the square of its radius, which gave a value of pi = 3. One Babylonian tablet (ca. 1900–1680 BC) indicates a value of 3.125 for pi, which is a closer approximation.
In the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus (ca.1650 BC), there is evidence that the Egyptians calculated the area of a circle by a formula that gave the approximate value of 3.1605 for pi.

4. Why is Pi an important value in every day life?

I knew that, why is Pi an important value in our life: Pi is important especially in anything such as graphing or construction because it is needed to make a circle every day. Pi is perhaps the most important mathematical constant. It appears in various formulas throughout math and science in fields as diverse as physics, statistics, and sociology.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 1

Task 1

1.1 What are your expectations of RBO?

May be to learn about web based learning and mobile learning and to learn how to create blog.

1.2 What is Web based and Mobile Learning?
Web-Based: a web application is an application that is accessed via web browser over a network such as the Internet or an intranet.

I think that web based is information made available via the World Wide Web.

Mobile learning (m-learning): refers to the use of mobile and handheld IT devices, such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), mobile telephones, laptops and tablet PC technologies, in teaching and learning

I think that mobile learning: using mobile in learning and teaching. It enhances learning by communication, information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration via mobile.

1.3 How are you going to give the information to me?
May be by sending it to your email or via blog.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Theories of learning

Day 1


Task 2

2.1 What is learning?

Learning is often defined as a change in behavior (Birkenholz, 1999), which is demonstrated by people implementing knowledge, skills, or practices derived from education. As an end result, we know that learning occurs when people take newfound information and incorporate it into their life.


I think that: Learning is a permanent change in behaviors brought about by experience.


2.2 Theories of learning:

* Behaviorism as a theory was most developed by B. F. Skinner. In essence, three basic assumptions are held to be true. First, learning is manifested by a change in behavior. Second, the environment shapes behavior. And third, the principles of contiguity and reinforcement.
This theory defines learning, which is the acquisition of new behavior through conditioning.


is a theory of learning based on the idea that knowledge is constructed by the knower based on mental activity. Also Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences. This theory defines learning, which is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences.


* "Cognitive theorists recognize that much learning involves associations established through contiguity and repetition.


* Brain-based learning this learning theory is based on the structure and function of the brain.


2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom developed, in the 1956 while working at the University of Chicago, developed his theory on Educational Objectives. He proposed 3 domains or areas:

  • Cognitive - person's ability to process and utilize information (thinking), this is what Bloom's Taxonomy is based on
  • Affective - This is the role of feeling and attitudes in the learning/education process
  • Psychomotor - This is manipulative or physical skills

Bloom's Taxonomy is taxonomy of activities and behaviors' that exemplify higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and lower order thinking skills (LOTS). Bloom's allows use to rank and structure different classroom activities and plan the learning process. In the 2001, Lorin Anderson and other revised Bloom's original work to give use Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.


Bloom's Original taxonomy

Bloom's revised taxonomy















Lesson (second degree equations)

Day 1

Task 3

3.1 What materials you use?
I started the lesson (Solve the second degree equation in one variable) by using computer and software program and I used the projector to present information.

3.2 What are the learning activities?
If I used learning style is visual, I make the students, draw pictures in the margins, look at the graphics, and read the text that explains the graphics, envision the topic in their thoughts.

If I used learning style is auditory, I make the students, listen to the words when I read and I used audio narration to attract the student learning, try to develop an internal conversation between their and the text.

If I used learning style is tactile/kinesthetic, I used a pencil or highlighter pen to mark passages that are meaningful to them, I make the students to take notes, transferring the information to the margins of the book, or onto a computer. I hold the book in my hands instead of placing it on a table. I walk around when I am reading.

3.3 What are the teaching activities?
I putted the main objectives for my lesson before I start, the students must be able to:
The student will be introduced to various methods of solving quadratic equations.

Find square roots of variable expressions and use them to solve equations and problems.

Choose the best method for solving a quadratic equation

I asked the students about the previous knowledge, which related to this lesson and I asked them to draw concept map (about Methods, which using to solve the second degree equation) such as analyses by completing square, I gave them real examples to fix new information (solve the second degree equation by using new rule).

Also I gave them many examples about how to apply this rule and I followed them when they work to help them.

3.4 How do you assess?
I gave them a simple quiz about 15 minute to assess the students if they understand or not.

The second degree equation





* Find four suitable software programmes that you will use to process information?

Power point


* Find two free software programmes that you can use to present information?


Mobile phone

Day 3
Task 5


5.2 Make a list of all the properties of you mobile phone which you
can give information to learners?

Video: to make video (sound with picture)
Blutooth: to transfer information
MMS: to edit picture
Record: to edit sound
Web: to give information Via email

5.3 Make a list and write down which of the following you will use the mobile phone to find information?

5.4 How will you transfer information and present information from your mobile phone to other sources?

USP cable
Web browser
Memory card

5.5 Find a free software program that you can use to change the extension for mobile phones?
*Cell phone spy

*Live Beyond phone lives

Monday, July 13, 2009


RBO examination


1. What are a Web Quest and Web2.0 tools?


Web Quest:

A Web Quest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing.

Bernie Dodge San Diego State University


I think that web quest is learning activity and it used by learners and teachers.




Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design that facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

I think that a web 2.0 means is a way to put information and pull information from a variety of sites to achieve new purposes.

Web2.0 tools



Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Web Quest for 8th-10th Grade (Ohm's law) Physical Science

Designed by: Mayssa Osman

Introduction | Task | Process | Resources| Evaluation | Conclusion |


Understanding and applying Ohm's Law is one of the most fundamental skills to being successful in an Electro-Technology career.
Do you have an idea about Ohm's law?
Do you know what we mean the Ohm's law, Current, Voltage and Resistance ?
Do you want to know how to design electrical circuit?
Do you want to know how to calculate Current, Voltage and Resistance by using Ohm's law?
Do you want to know how to measure Current and Voltage?
You will be able to build, explore and test basic circuits using meters and by following the programmed activities you should very quickly develop an understanding of how circuits work and the use of Ohm’s law in calculations.
Let's get started...

Click on this link to open the physics lesson (Ohm's law) on my facebook

The Task

This Web Quest is divided into four parts:
Part 1

Series and Parallel Circuits: In this activity you will watch a movie on Ohm’s Law, visit three interactive web sites, and then use a computer simulation to help you understand how electric circuits work in both serial and parallel combinations. You will individually complete a worksheet designed to assess your understanding of each area.

Part 2

Using Ohm's law to calculate Current, Voltage and Resistance: In this section you will learn about using Ohm's low to calculate Current, Voltage and Resistance. The importance of Ohm's Law is that if you know the value two of the variables in the equation, you can then determine the third. You will link to an interactive web site where you will individually perform some calculations of Current, Voltage and Resistance.

Part 3

Measuring Current and Voltage: This section teaches you how to take accurate measurements of voltage, current and to identify typical instruments used in the field such as voltmeters and ammeters. You will individually answer a short online multiple choice (assignment).

Part 4

Ohm's Law Group Multimedia Presentation: Each group will create a short multimedia video (maximum 5 minutes duration) presentation in groups of four, which the leader of each group will present to class which demonstrates a principle or concept about Ohm’s Law. You will produce video by using Windows Movie Maker software

The Process


Electrical quantities: A flow of electrons forced into motion by voltage is known as current. The atoms in good conductors such as copper wire have one or more free electrons of the outer ring constantly flying off. Electrons from other nearby atoms fill in the holes. There are billions of electrons moving aimlessly in all directions, all the time in conductors. The amount of current in a circuit is measured in amperes (amps), the quantity of electrons used in determining an ampere is called "coulomb" which one ampere is one coulomb per second. This (a coulomb) is the unit of measuring electrical quantity or charge. In summary, the quantity of current present in our circuit is dependant upon the amount of voltage exerting electrical force and pressure on the electrons, and the amount of resistance in the circuit restricting and opposing the electron flow.

Ohm’s Law - Animation 1

Click on this image to learn more about circuit quantities using an animation. Whilst there, experiment with the voltage and resistance controls and note they are inversely proportional to each other.

Ohm’s Law - Animation 2

Click on this link below to reinforce Ohm's law concepts using another animation, this time utilizing multi-meters. Whilst there, follow the instructions on the site.

Ohm’s Law is a formulated relationship that links the electrical quantities of voltage, current and resistance in a meaningful way. To better understand Ohm’s Law, let us now watch a short video of approximately five minutes duration. Click here UEENEEE004B to open the video.

Series and Parallel circuits: The two most common ways of connecting resistors are in series and parallel. Resistors are considered to be in series whenever current must flow through them sequentially, first through one, then through the other. In contrast, Resistors are considered to be in parallel when each resistor is connected directly to the voltage source.

Computer animation exercise: Click this link below to download the worksheet

Series and Parallel Circuits Worksheet

Click here OHM ZONE to go to the OHM ZONE web site, and individually complete all questions and activities using the computerized simulation.

Information to help you: Click on the links below for additional information and exercises regarding ohm's law and series/parallel circuits.
series, parallel circuit
Combinations of resistors
Ohm's Law

II.Using Ohm's law to calculate Current, Voltage and Resistance:

Ohm's Law is a mathematical equation governing the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance within a DC electrical circuit. In this activity you will discover the relationship between resistance, voltage, and current. If you know any two of the three values you can calculate the third. Your task is to discover the equations that allow you to do these calculations.

To practice some calculation of resistance, voltages, and current, click here

Information to help you: Click on the link below for additional information and exercises regarding some calculations.
Power conversion online calculator.


To best understand the operation of these meters we will study the building block of these meters called a galvanometer. This is a moving coil meter which responds to changes in electrical current. Click here, to discover the fundamentals of a galvanometer.

Click here, to discover the fundamentals of a moving coil meter and how ammeters, voltmeters and ohmmeters work.

Click here Assignment, to link to a short multiple choice assignment examining your knowledge on ammeters and voltmeters and circuit measurement.

Information to help you: Click on the links below for additional information and exercises regarding ammeters and ohmmeters.
Good tutorial on all aspects of meter operation and measurement


Each group will create a short multimedia video presentation in groups of four, the leader of each group will present to class concept about Ohm’s Law.

Note: The leader of each group must send video in my email:

Information to help you: To learn about any other functions of Movie Maker click on the Web links below.

Share your presentation with your classmates


The links contained within the process:
series, parallel circuit
Combinations of resistors
Ohm's Law
OHM ZONE web site
Series and Parallel Circuits Worksheet
Power conversion online calculator.
Good tutorial on all aspects of meter operation and measurement
Link to Galvanometer Information
Functions of Movie Maker

References related to Ohm's law:

Websites of images and videos

Websites of my tools


Activity I

This self-paced individually completed exercise requires you to download a worksheet containing questions based on the Ohm Zone computerized circuit simulation. You must answer most questions correctly (min 80% score) to be considered competent.

Activity II

The multiple choice test required a minimum score of three out of four (min 75%) to be considered competent.

Activity III

The multiple choices quiz (assignment) simply completes and if you require any assistance ask your classroom teacher.

Activity IV

The content was presented with a high degree of flair and creativity, the group leader's authority was respected and the multimedia presentation was polished, succinct, interesting and kept the audience fully engaged.


You have no doubt learned a lot about some of the fundamentals of electrical quantities and circuits in this Web Quest; From Ohm's Law to analysis of series/parallel circuits, from power calculations to accurately measuring electrical quantities such as voltage and current. These skills and knowledge are fundamental to your success in your future career in the Electro-technology industry.

Congratulations...You've finished...

Well done!!!! And thank you for your participation in this Web Quest. Good luck with your future studies and remembers.....Learning is a journey for life!!!!!

Indicate on a matrix what tools you used for the web quest: Show how and why you used it.

Monday, June 8, 2009